Friday, May 9, 2008

hello (:

exams were pretty much pissifying ): i don't know how on earth to do physics and add maths :| i won't be surprise to get back a Fantastic mark.

i haven't been sleeping alot (: after all, there's better thing to be done :D

& jason mraz-i'm yours is super awesome. and of course chris brown-with you too (:

fritzl is an incest addict, ): , poor girl.

my internet connection has been really bad, pfft, bahbahbahhh.

;then i always wonder,
what will it be like, if
you've never stepped in to my life,
what will it be like, if
the words typed couldn't be sent.
what will it be like, if
i've never tried risking such thing.

after all, i'm a big liar,
only for this particular thing.

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